Senior Lead Pastor
Rev. John Park Jinwoong
뉴라이프교회 담임목사 | 뉴미니스트리 대표
About Rev. John Park Jinwoong
뉴라이프교회 담임목사 (기독교한국침례회)
기독교한국침례회 동남지방회 회장
뉴미니스트리 대표
뉴엔터테인먼트 대표
뉴플래닛 대표
CBMC 양화진지회 청년사업단장
세계가나안운동본부(WCM) 문화교류운영위원장
(사)행복한가정연구소 이사
시티워십 프로젝트 총제작자
청춘브랜딩페스티벌 총제작자
Senior Lead Pastor, Newlife Baptist Church (Korea Baptist Convention)
President, Korea Baptist Convention, Southeastern Region Council
Founder & Representative, NEW Ministry
CEO, NEW Entertainment
CEO, NEW Planet
Board of Directors, CMTV
Chief Leader, Youth Business Department, CBMC Yanghwajin
Chairman, Cultural Communication Operations, World Canaan Movement (WCM)
Board of Directors, Happy Family Research Institute
Executive Producer, City Worship Project
Executive Producer, Youth Branding Festival
백석대학교 신학과
한국침례신학대학교대학원 M. Div.
주안대학원대학교 선교학 Ph.D. Candidate
호서대학교 밴처대학원 경영학 박사과정
호서대학교 일반대학원 신학 박사과정
Dept. of Theological Studies, Baekseok University
M.Div., Graduate School, Korea Baptist Theological University & Seminary
Ph.D. Candidate, Dept. of Missional Studies, Graduate School, Juan University
Ph.D. Program, Dept. of Business, Venture Graduate School, Hoseo University
Ph.D. Program, Dept. of Theological Studies, Graduate School, Hoseo University